: manage and request a taxonomy database
obitaxonomy [--alternative-names|-a] [--batch-size <int>] [--debug]
[--download-ncbi] [--dump|-D <TAXID>] [--extract-taxonomy]
[--fixed|-F] [--force-one-cpu] [--help|-h|-?] [--max-cpu <int>]
[--no-progressbar] [--out|-o <FILENAME>] [--parents|-p <TAXID>]
[--pprof] [--pprof-goroutine <int>] [--pprof-mutex <int>]
[--rank <RANK>] [--rank-list|-l] [--raw-taxid]
[--restrict-to-taxon|-r <string>]... [--solexa]
[--sons|-s <TAXID>] [--taxonomy|-t <string>] [--version]
[--with-path] [--with-query|-P] [--without-parent]
[--without-rank|-R] [--without-scientific-name|-S] [<args>]
| -a
: Enable the search on all alternative names and not only scientific names. (default: false)--download-ncbi
: Download the current NCBI taxonomy taxdump (default: false)--dump
| -D
<TAXID>: Dump a sub-taxonomy corresponding to the precised clade (default: “”)--extract-taxonomy
: Extract taxonomy from a sequence file (default: false)--fixed
: Match taxon names using a fixed pattern, not a regular expression (default: false)--parents
| -p
<TAXID>: Displays every parental tree’s information for the provided taxid. (default: “NA”)--rank
<RANK>: Restrict to the given taxonomic rank. (default: “”)--rank-list
| -l
: List every taxonomic rank available in the taxonomy. (default: false)--restrict-to-taxon
| -r
<string>: Restrict output to some subclades. (default: [])--sons
| -s
<TAXID>: Displays every sons’ tree’s information for the provided taxid. (default: “NA”)--with-path
: Adds a column containing the full path for each displayed taxon. (default: false)--with-query
| -P
: Adds a column containing query used to filter taxon name for each displayed taxon. (default: false)--without-parent
: Supress the column containing the parent’s taxonid from the output. (default: false)--without-rank
| -R
: Supress the column containing the taxonomic rank from the output. (default: false)--without-scientific-name
| -S
: Supress the column containing the scientific name from the output. (default: false)
Taxonomic options
| -t
<string>: Path to the taxonomic database.
General options
| -h|-?
: shows this help.--version
: prints the version and exits.--silent-warning
: This option tells obitools to stop displaying warnings.
This behaviour can be controlled by setting the OBIWARNINGS environment variable.
<INTEGER>: OBITools can take advantage of your computer’s multi-core
architecture by parallelizing the computation across all available CPUs.
Computing on more CPUs usually requires more memory to perform the
computation. Reducing the number of CPUs used to perform a calculation
is also a way to indirectly control the amount of memory used by the
process. The number of CPUs used by OBITools can also be controlled
by setting the OBIMAXCPU environment variable.--force-one-cpu
: forces the use of a single CPU core for parallel processing (default: false).--batch-size
<INTEGER>: number of sequence per batch for parallel processing (default: 1000, env: OBIBATCHSIZE)
: enables debug mode, by setting log level to debug (default: false, env: OBIDEBUG)--pprof
: enables pprof server. Look at the log for details. (default: false).--pprof-mutex
<INTEGER>: enables profiling of mutex lock. (default: 10, env: OBIPPROFMUTEX)--pprof-goroutine
<INTEGER>: enables profiling of goroutine blocking profile. (default: 6060, env: OBIPPROFGOROUTINE)