
obiclean: a PCR aware denoising algorithm #

Description #

obiclean implements the denoising algorithms provided by OBITools4.

The original obiclean algorithm is a denoising (clustering) algorithm designed to filter out potential PCR-generated spurious sequences.

This new version of obiclean adds two additional filters:

  • A filter to set a threshold for the minimum number of samples (PCRs) a sequence must be present to be retained (default: 1, can be changed using the --min-sample-count option).
  • A naive chimera detection algorithm. This is an experimental feature. It is not run by default. It can be enabled with the --dectect-chimera option.

obiclean can run in two modes:

  • A tagging mode where no sequences are actually removed from the data set, they are just tagged. It is your responsibility to remove the sequences you do not want based on these tags and your filter rules, using obigrep .
  • A filter mode in which sequences that are considered to be artifactual sequences by obiclean are removed from the data set.

obiclean relies on per-sample (PCR) sequence abundance information to apply its algorithms. Therefore, the input data set must first be dereplicated using the obiuniq command with the -m sample option.

graph TD
  A@{ shape: doc, label: "my_sequences_uniq.fasta" }
  D@{ shape: doc, label: "my_sequences_clean.fasta" }
  A --> C:::obitools
  C --> D
  classDef obitools fill:#99d57c

The clustering algorithm #

The algorithm implemented in obiclean aims to remove punctual PCR errors (nucleotide substitutions, insertions or deletions). Therefore, it is not applied to the whole data set at once, but to each sample (PCR) independently.

Two pieces of information are used:

  • The count attributes of the sequence set.
  • The pairwise sequence similarities calculated in each set of sequences belonging to a sample.

The result of the obiclean algorithm is the classification of each sequence set into one of three classes: head, internal or singleton.

Consider two sequences S1 and S2 that occur in the same sample (PCR). S1 is a sequence variant of S2 if and only if

  • The ratio of the number of occurrences of S1 and S2 is less than the parameter R. \[ \frac{Count_{S1}}{Count_{S2}} < R \] The default value of R is 1 and can be set between 0 and 1 using the -r option.

  • The number of differences between S1 and S2 when aligning these sequences is less than a maximum number of differences that can be specified with the -d option (default = 1 error). \[ dist(S1,S2) < d \]

This relation, is a sequence variant of, defines a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) on the sequences belonging to a sample. obiclean gives access to this graph using the --save-graph option. The following is an example of a command to run obiclean and create the graph files:

obiclean -r 0.1 \
         -Z \
         --save-graph sample-graph  \
         wolf_uniq.fasta.gz > wolf_clean.fasta.gz
  • The -r option is used to set the ratio threshold between the sequence abundances.
  • The --save-graph option tells obiclean to save the graph defined by the “is a sequence variant of” relation in a file per sample, using the GML format, in the directory named sample-graph.
  . 📂 sample-graph
  ├── 📄 13a_F730603.gml
  ├── 📄 15a_F730814.gml
  ├── 📄 26a_F040644.gml
  └── 📄 29a_F260619.gml
  • The -Z option is used to compress the output file.

The program [yEd] ( allows you to visualize the graph described for each sample.

Each dot represents one sequence. The area of the dot is proportional to the abundance of the sequence in the sample. The arrows represent the relationship is a sequence variant of, starting from the derived sequence to its presumed original version. The number on each arrow indicates the distance between the two sequences, here 1 everywhere. This sample corresponds to the dietary analysis of a wolf. Therefore, one true sequence (the prey) is expected. It corresponds to the big blue circle.

obiclean graph for the sample 13a_F730603

Each dot represents one sequence. The area of the dot is proportional to the abundance of the sequence in the sample. The arrows represent the relationship is a sequence variant of, starting from the derived sequence to its presumed original version. The number on each arrow indicates the distance between the two sequences, here 1 everywhere. This sample corresponds to the dietary analysis of a wolf. Therefore, one true sequence (the prey) is expected. It corresponds to the big blue circle.

From the graph topology, each sequence S is classified into one of the following three classes

  • head

    • There is at least one sequence in the sample that is a variant of S.
    • There is no sequence in the sample such that S is a variant of that sequence.
  • internal

    • There is at least one sequence in the sample such that S is a variant of this sequence.
  • singleton

    • There is no sequence in the sample that is a variant of S.
    • There is no sequence in the sample that is a variant of this sequence.

This class is sample dependent, as a graph is built per sample and recorded in the obiclean_status tag, as shown below for one of the sequences extracted from the result file wolf_clean.fasta.gz.

>HELIUM_000100422_612GNAAXX:7:91:7524:17193#0/1_sub[28..127] {"ali_dir":"left","ali_length":62,"count":8,"direction":"reverse","experiment":"wolf_diet","forward_match":"ttagataccccactatgc","forward_mismatches":0,"forward_primer":"ttagataccccactatgc","merged_sample":{"15a_F730814":5,"29a_F260619":3},"mode":"alignment","obiclean_head":false,"obiclean_headcount":0,"obiclean_internalcount":2,"obiclean_mutation":{"HELIUM_000100422_612GNAAXX:7:22:2603:18023#0/1_sub[28..127]":"(a)->(g)@26"},"obiclean_samplecount":2,"obiclean_singletoncount":0,"obiclean_status":{"15a_F730814":"i","29a_F260619":"i"},"obiclean_weight":{"15a_F730814":5,"29a_F260619":3},"reverse_match":"tagaacaggctcctctag","reverse_mismatches":0,"reverse_primer":"tagaacaggctcctctag","seq_a_single":46,"seq_b_single":46}

Tags added to each sequence by the clustering algorithm #

  • obiclean_head: true if the sequence is a head or singleton in at least one sample, false otherwise.

  • obiclean_samplecount: the number of samples the sequence occurs in the data set (here 2).

  • obiclean_headcount: the number of samples where the sequence is classified as head (here 0).

  • obiclean_internalcount: the number of samples where the sequence is classified as internal (here 2).

  • obiclean_singletoncount: the number of samples where the sequence is classified as singleton (here 0).

  • obiclean_status: a JSON map indexed by the name of the sample in which the sequence was found. The value indicates the classification of the sequence in this sample: i for internal, s for singleton or h for head.

  • obiclean_weight: a JSON map indexed by the name of the sample in which the sequence was found. The value indicates the number of times the sequence and its derivatives were found in this sample (here 5 for sample 15a_F73081).

  • obiclean_mutation: a JSON map indexed by sequence ids. Each entry of the map contains the sequence id of the parent sequence and the position of the mutation between the parent sequence and the sequence in the variant. Only sequences belonging to the class internal in at least one sample are annotated with this tag.

    Here: (a)->(g)@26 indicates that the a in the parent sequence HELIUM_000100422_612GNAAXX:7:22:2603:18023#0/1_sub[28..127] in this variant has been replaced by a g at position 26.

The Chimera Detection Algorithm #

This new version of obiclean implements a naive chimera detection algorithm. It is an experimental feature. The algorithm is only run when the --dectect-chimera option is used. It is applied to sequences that have already been classified by the clustering algorithm presented above.

The algorithm defines a chimeric sequence S as a sequence classified as head or singleton by the clustering algorithm, for which there exists in the sample a pair of sequences \(\{S_{Pre} ; S_{Suf}\}\) that are more frequent than S, and such that the concatenation of the shared prefix between S and \(S_{Pre}\) and the shared suffix between S and \(S_{Suf}\) is equal to S.

\[ S = Common\_prefix(S,S_{Pre}) + Common\_suffix(S,S_{Suf}) \]
obiclean -r 0.1 \
         -Z \
         --detect-chimera  \
         wolf_uniq.fasta.gz > wolf_clean_chimera.fasta.gz

Extracted from the result file wolf_clean_chimera.fasta.gz, the sequence shown below illustrates how a chimeric sequence is annotated.

>HELIUM_000100422_612GNAAXX:7:21:6999:18567#0/1_sub[28..127] {"ali_dir":"left","ali_length":62,"chimera":{"29a_F260619":"{HELIUM_000100422_612GNAAXX:7:26:10054:16185#0/1_sub[28..127]}/{HELIUM_000100422_612GNAAXX:7:102:9724:19316#0/1_sub[28..127]}@(24)"},"count":1,"direction":"reverse","experiment":"wolf_diet","forward_match":"ttagataccccactatgc","forward_mismatches":0,"forward_primer":"ttagataccccactatgc","forward_tag":"gcctcct","merged_sample":{"29a_F260619":1},"mode":"alignment","obiclean_head":true,"obiclean_headcount":0,"obiclean_internalcount":0,"obiclean_samplecount":1,"obiclean_singletoncount":1,"obiclean_status":{"29a_F260619":"s"},"obiclean_weight":{"29a_F260619":1},"pairing_mismatches":{"(A:21)->(G:02)":67,"(A:34)->(C:02)":31,"(A:34)->(G:02)":29,"(C:28)->(G:02)":42,"(C:34)->(A:02)":30,"(G:32)->(T:02)":55,"(T:33)->(G:02)":35},"reverse_match":"tagaacaggctcctctag","reverse_mismatches":0,"reverse_primer":"tagaacaggctcctctag","reverse_tag":"gcctcct","score":306,"score_norm":0.806,"seq_a_single":46,"seq_ab_match":50,"seq_b_single":46}

Tags added to each chimeric sequence by the chimera detection algorithm #

A chimera tag is added to the sequence. The tag contains a JSON map indexed by the names of the samples in which the chimeric sequence was detected. The value indicates the two parental sequences and the position of the transition between the two sequences in the chimera:


Which reads as

  • Sequence: HELIUM_000100422_612GNAAXX:7:21:6999:18567#0/1_sub[28..127]
    • was detected as chimera in sample: 29a_F260619
    • between the sequences:
      • HELIUM_000100422_612GNAAXX:7:26:10054:16185#0/1_sub[28..127] as prefix
      • HELIUM_000100422_612GNAAXX:7:102:9724:19316#0/1_sub[28..127] as suffix
      • The junction is at position 24 on the chimeric sequence HELIUM_000100422_612GNAAXX:7:21:6999:18567#0/1_sub[28..127].

Filtering the output #

Removal of sequences annotated as artifacts. #

By default, obiclean only annotates each sequence with different tags describing its classification in the different samples. Therefore, there are as many sequences in the result file as in the input file. This can be verified using the obicount command on the previous input and result files, wolf_uniq.fasta.gz and wolf_clean_chimera.fasta.gz respectively.

obicount wolf_uniq.fasta.gz | csvlook
| entities |       n |
| -------- | ------- |
| variants |   4 313 |
| reads    |  42 452 |
| symbols  | 428 403 |
obicount wolf_uniq_chimera.fasta.gz | csvlook
| entities |       n |
| -------- | ------- |
| variants |   4 313 |
| reads    |  42 452 |
| symbols  | 428 403 |

obiclean can be run in filter mode, allowing a sequence to be removed from the resulting sequence set if it is considered artifactual in all samples where it appears. Artifactual sequences are those classified as internal or chimeric.

This filtering is done by setting the -H option.

obiclean -r 0.1 \
         -Z \
         --detect-chimera  \
         -H \
         wolf_uniq.fasta.gz > wolf_clean_chimera_head.fasta.gz
obicount wolf_clean_chimera_head.fasta.gz | csvlook
| entities |       n |
| -------- | ------- |
| variants |   2 322 |
| reads    |  35 623 |
| symbols  | 230 953 |

Remove sequences occurring in less than k samples (PCRs) #

It may be considered reasonable to eliminate a sequence present in fewer than k samples, particularly if technical PCR replicates have been performed and several samples in the dataset actually correspond to these technical replicates of a single biological sample. By default, the minimum number of samples is set to 1, meaning that no sequences are rejected by this filter. The -min-sample-count option can be used to set this threshold to a higher value. A value of 2 already has a significant effect:

obiclean -r 0.1 \
         --detect-chimera  \
         -H \
         --min-sample-count 2 \
         wolf_uniq.fasta.gz \
    | obicount | csvlook
| entities |      n |
| -------- | ------ |
| variants |     12 |
| reads    | 12 695 |
| symbols  |  1 197 |

This is equivalent to post-filtering the result of the obiclean command using the following obigrep command:

obiclean -r 0.1 \
         --detect-chimera  \
         -H \
         wolf_uniq.fasta.gz \
    | obigrep -p 'annotations.obiclean_samplecount>=2' \
    | obicount | csvlook
| entities |      n |
| -------- | ------ |
| variants |     12 |
| reads    | 12 695 |
| symbols  |  1 197 |

Synopsis #

obiclean [--batch-size <int>] [--compressed|-Z] [--debug]
         [--distance|-d <int>] [--ecopcr] [--embl] [--fasta] [--fasta-output]
         [--fastq] [--fastq-output] [--force-one-cpu] [--genbank] [--head|-H]
         [--help|-h|-?] [--input-OBI-header] [--input-json-header]
         [--json-output] [--max-cpu <int>] [--min-eval-rate <int>]
         [--min-sample-count <int>] [--no-order] [--no-progressbar]
         [--out|-o <FILENAME>] [--output-OBI-header|-O]
         [--output-json-header] [--pprof] [--pprof-goroutine <int>]
         [--pprof-mutex <int>] [--ratio|-r <float64>] [--sample|-s <string>]
         [--save-graph <string>] [--save-ratio <string>] [--skip-empty]
         [--solexa] [--version] [<args>]

Options #

obiclean specific options #

Clustering algorithm options #

  • --distance | -d <INTEGER>: maximum numbers of differences between two variant sequences. (default: 1)
  • --ratio | -r <FLOAT>: threshold ratio between counts (rare/abundant counts) of two sequence records so that the less abundant one is a variant of the more abundant (default: 1.00).
  • --sample | -s <STRING>: name of the attribute containing sample descriptions (default: “sample”).

Chimera detection options #

  • --detect-chimera: enable chimera detection. (default: false)

Filtering options #

  • --head | -H : remove from the result data set, the sequences annotated as spurious in all the samples (default: false).
  • --min-sample-count <INTEGER>: minimum number of samples a sequence must be present in to be considered in the analysis. (default: 1)

Dumping internal clustering data #

  • --save-graph <DIRNAME>: save the clustering graph for each sample (PCR) in a GML file in the directory precised as parameter of the option (default: false).
  • --save-ratio <FILENAME>: create a CSV file containing abundance ratio statistics for the edges of the clustering graphs above the --min-eval-rate threshold. If the option -Z is used conjointly with the option --save-graph, in addition to the result file, the ratio CSV file is also compressed using GZIP.
  • --min-eval-rate <INTEGER>: the minimum abundance of the destination sequence of an edge to be stored in the CSV file produced by the --save-ratio option (default: 1000).

shared options #

Controlling the input data #

OBITools4 generally recognizes the input file format. It also recognizes whether the input file is compressed using GZIP. But some rare files can be misidentified, so the following options allow the user to force the format, thus bypassing the format identification step.
The file format options #
  • --fasta: indicates that sequence data is in fasta format.
  • --fastq: indicates that sequence data is in fastq format.
  • --embl: indicates that sequence data is in EMBL-ENA flatfile format.
  • --csv: indicates that sequence data is in CSV format.
  • --genbank: indicates that sequence data is in GenBank flatfile format.
  • --ecopcr: indicates that sequence data is in the old ecoPCR tabulated format.
Controlling the way OBITools4 are formatting annotations #
These options only apply to the FASTA and FASTQ formats
  • --input-OBI-header: FASTA/FASTQ title line annotations follow the old OBI format.
  • --input-json-header: FASTA/FASTQ title line annotations follow the JSON format.
Controlling quality score decoding #
This option only applies to the FASTQ formats
  • --solexa: decodes quality string according to the Solexa specification. (default: the standard Sanger encoding is used, env: OBISSOLEXA)

Controlling the output data #

  • --compress | -Z : output is compressed using gzip. (default: false)
  • --no-order: the OBITools ensure that the order between the input file and the output file does not change. When multiple files are processed, they are processed one at a time. If the –no-order option is added to a command, multiple input files can be opened at the same time and their contents processed in parallel. This usually increases processing speed, but does not guarantee the order of the sequences in the output file. Also, processing multiple files in parallel may require more memory to perform the computation.
  • --fasta-output: writes sequence data in fasta format (default if quality data is not available).
  • --fastq-output: writes sequence data in fastq format (default if quality data is available).
  • --json-output: writes sequence data in JSON format.
  • --out | -o <FILENAME>: filename used for saving the output (default: “-”, the standard output)
  • --output-OBI-header | -O : writes output FASTA/FASTQ title line annotations in OBI format (default: JSON).
  • --output-json-header: writew output FASTA/FASTQ title line annotations in JSON format (the default format).
  • --skip-empty: sequences of length equal to zero are removed from the output (default: false).
  • --no-progressbar: deactivates progress bar display (default: false).

General options #

  • --help | -h|-? : shows this help.
  • --version: prints the version and exits.
  • --silent-warning: This option tells obitools to stop displaying warnings. This behaviour can be controlled by setting the OBIWARNINGS environment variable.
  • --max-cpu <INTEGER>: OBITools can take advantage of your computer’s multi-core architecture by parallelizing the computation across all available CPUs. Computing on more CPUs usually requires more memory to perform the computation. Reducing the number of CPUs used to perform a calculation is also a way to indirectly control the amount of memory used by the process. The number of CPUs used by OBITools can also be controlled by setting the OBIMAXCPU environment variable.
  • --force-one-cpu: forces the use of a single CPU core for parallel processing (default: false).
  • --batch-size <INTEGER>: number of sequence per batch for parallel processing (default: 1000, env: OBIBATCHSIZE)
  • --debug: enables debug mode, by setting log level to debug (default: false, env: OBIDEBUG)
  • --pprof: enables pprof server. Look at the log for details. (default: false).
  • --pprof-mutex <INTEGER>: enables profiling of mutex lock. (default: 10, env: OBIPPROFMUTEX)
  • --pprof-goroutine <INTEGER>: enables profiling of goroutine blocking profile. (default: 6060, env: OBIPPROFGOROUTINE)

Examples #

Determining the ratio parameter #

The ratio parameter (option -r) defines the ratio threshold between the frequency of the variant of a sequence and its original sequence. It can be used to distinguish between two closely related true sequences and a true sequence with its variant. To get an idea of the ratio threshold to use, the obiclean command with the --save-ratio option can be used. This option creates a CSV file containing the abundance ratio statistics from the edges of the clustering graphs. Only a subset of the edges are kept in the CSV file:

  • Those corresponding to a single mutation (distance between the original and the mutated sequence is 1).
  • Those where the original sequence has a weight greater than the threshold (determined by the --min-eval-rate option).

The last condition is used to avoid estimating the ratio from edges with too few sequences, in order to limit the stochastic effect on ratio estimation.

obiclean -Z \
         --save-ratio wolf_ratio_R1.csv.gz  \
         wolf_uniq.fasta.gz > wolf_clean_R1.fasta.gz

The --save-ratio requires a parameter FILENAME that is the name of the CSV file to create. The file is compressed using GZIP if the option -Z is used.

gzcat wolf_ratio_R1.csv.gz | head | csvlook -I
| Sample      | Origin_id                                                  | Origin_status | Origin | Mutant | Origin_Weight | Mutant_Weight | Origin_Count | Mutant_Count | Position | Origin_length | A  | C  | G  | T  |
| ----------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- | ------------- | ------ | ------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------ | ------------ | -------- | ------------- | -- | -- | -- | -- |
| 26a_F040644 | HELIUM_000100422_612GNAAXX:7:5:15939:5437#0/1_sub[28..126] | h             | a      | -      | 12830         | 1             | 10385        | 1            | 44       | 99            | 35 | 25 | 16 | 23 |
| 26a_F040644 | HELIUM_000100422_612GNAAXX:7:5:15939:5437#0/1_sub[28..126] | h             | a      | -      | 12830         | 1             | 10385        | 1            | 72       | 99            | 35 | 25 | 16 | 23 |
| 26a_F040644 | HELIUM_000100422_612GNAAXX:7:5:15939:5437#0/1_sub[28..126] | h             | a      | -      | 12830         | 1             | 10385        | 1            | 42       | 99            | 35 | 25 | 16 | 23 |
| 26a_F040644 | HELIUM_000100422_612GNAAXX:7:5:15939:5437#0/1_sub[28..126] | h             | a      | -      | 12830         | 1             | 10385        | 1            | 57       | 99            | 35 | 25 | 16 | 23 |
| 26a_F040644 | HELIUM_000100422_612GNAAXX:7:5:15939:5437#0/1_sub[28..126] | h             | a      | -      | 12830         | 1             | 10385        | 1            | 76       | 99            | 35 | 25 | 16 | 23 |
| 26a_F040644 | HELIUM_000100422_612GNAAXX:7:5:15939:5437#0/1_sub[28..126] | h             | a      | -      | 12830         | 1             | 10385        | 1            | 73       | 99            | 35 | 25 | 16 | 23 |
| 26a_F040644 | HELIUM_000100422_612GNAAXX:7:5:15939:5437#0/1_sub[28..126] | h             | a      | -      | 12830         | 1             | 10385        | 1            | 16       | 99            | 35 | 25 | 16 | 23 |
| 26a_F040644 | HELIUM_000100422_612GNAAXX:7:5:15939:5437#0/1_sub[28..126] | h             | a      | -      | 12830         | 1             | 10385        | 1            | 32       | 99            | 35 | 25 | 16 | 23 |
| 26a_F040644 | HELIUM_000100422_612GNAAXX:7:5:15939:5437#0/1_sub[28..126] | h             | a      | -      | 12830         | 1             | 10385        | 1            | 73       | 99            | 35 | 25 | 16 | 23 |

The ratio CSV file wolf_ratio_R1.csv.gz contains the following columns:

  • Sample: The name of the sample where the observation is done.
  • Origin_id: The ID of the original sequence corresponding to described mutant.
  • Origin_status: The status of the original sequence in the sample.
  • Origin: Original sequence at the mutation site.
  • Mutant: Mutant sequence at the mutation site.
  • Origin_Weight: Observed weight of the original sequence in the sample.
  • Mutant_Weight: Observed weight of the mutant sequence in the sample.
  • Origin_Count: Observed count of the original sequence in the sample.
  • Mutant_Count: Observed count of the mutant sequence in the sample.
  • Position: Position of the mutation in the original sequence.
  • Origin_length: Length of the original sequence.
  • A: Count of A nucleotides in the original sequence.
  • C: Count of C nucleotides in the original sequence.
  • G: Count of G nucleotides in the original sequence.
  • T: Count of T nucleotides in the original sequence.

From the file wolf_ratio_R1.csv.gz, a histogram of the ratio of the weight of the mutant to the weight of the original can be plotted using the following command:

gzcat wolf_ratio_R1.csv.gz \
    | octosql -o csv "select log10(float(Mutant_Weight) / float(Origin_Weight)) as ratio 
                        from stdin.csv" \
    | uplot -H hist -n 25
                ┌                                        ┐ 
   [-4.2, -4.0) ┤▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 107                    
   [-4.0, -3.8) ┤▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 200    
   [-3.8, -3.6) ┤▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 208   
   [-3.6, -3.4) ┤▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 119                  
   [-3.4, -3.2) ┤▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 145              
   [-3.2, -3.0) ┤▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 146             
   [-3.0, -2.8) ┤▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 71                           
   [-2.8, -2.6) ┤▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 45                               
   [-2.6, -2.4) ┤▇▇▇▇ 26                                   
   [-2.4, -2.2) ┤▇ 6                                       
   [-2.2, -2.0) ┤▇ 7                                       
   [-2.0, -1.8) ┤ 2                                        
   [-1.8, -1.6) ┤ 0                                        
   [-1.6, -1.4) ┤ 0                                        
   [-1.4, -1.2) ┤ 2                                        

The file wolf_ratio_R1.csv.gz describes the following number of edges (look the number of rows in the CSV file):

gzcat wolf_ratio_R1.csv.gz \
  | csvtk dim
file  num_cols  num_rows
-           15     1,084

Most edges in the graph connect a PCR variant sequence to its parent sequence. Only a few edges correspond to a connection between two closely related true sequences that differ only by a single mutation; they are not frequent enough to distort the shape of the distribution. Therefore, this histogram can be considered as the distribution of the ratio between a variant sequence and its parent sequence. We can observe that no ratio in this histogram is greater than \(10^{-1}\) , and only 4 out of 1084 edges have a ratio greater than \(10^{-2}\) . Using the --ratio 0.1 option will not split any edges, using the --ratio 0.01 option will split 4 edges over the edges used for the statistics. Because of all the edges discarded from the ratio table (involving too few original sequences), the effect on the number of MOTUs produced may be greater.

Below we run the obiclean command with several different values for the --ratio option, ranging from 1 to 0.01. For each run, the number of MOTUs produced is printed by piping the output of obiclean to the obicount and csvlook commands.

  • Run with a ratio of 1
obiclean -r 1 -H wolf_uniq.fasta.gz \
  | obicount | csvlook
| entities |       n |
| -------- | ------- |
| variants |   2 046 |
| reads    |  35 111 |
| symbols  | 203 349 |
  • Run with a ratio of 1/2
obiclean -r 0.5 -H wolf_uniq.fasta.gz \
  | obicount | csvlook
| entities |       n |
| -------- | ------- |
| variants |   2 046 |
| reads    |  35 111 |
| symbols  | 203 349 |
  • Run with a ratio of 1/10
obiclean -r 0.1 -H wolf_uniq.fasta.gz \
  | obicount | csvlook
| entities |       n |
| -------- | ------- |
| variants |   2 449 |
| reads    |  35 757 |
| symbols  | 243 515 |
  • Run with a ratio of 1/100
obiclean -r 0.01 -H wolf_uniq.fasta.gz \
  | obicount | csvlook
| entities |       n |
| -------- | ------- |
| variants |   3 215 |
| reads    |  37 546 |
| symbols  | 319 820 |

As you can see, the number of MOTUs produced increases as the -ratio option decreases, but the ratio of 0.5 has no effect on the number of MOTUs produced compared to the default ratio of 1.0.