NCBI taxdump

The NCBI taxonomy dump #

The NCBI provides a taxonomy that is used as a reference taxonomy for all molecular data published by NCBI, EBI and DDBJ. This taxonomy is available via a web interface, but can also be downloaded from the NCBI FTP server.

The NCBI taxonomy can be used by OBITools4 by downloading the taxdump from the NCBI FTP server. The file is a gzipped tarball archive containing the following files required by OBITools4:

  • nodes.dmp : a tab-separated file containing the taxonomic hierarchy
  • names.dmp : a tab-separated file containing the scientific names of the organisms
  • merged.dmp : a tab-separated file containing the information about reassignment of taxids
  • delnodes.dmp : a tab-separated file containing the information about old taxids today deleted from the taxonomy.

Downloading the NCBI taxonomy dump #

The obitaxonomy command provides the --download-ncbi option, which downloads a copy of the NCBI taxonomy dump tarball from the NCBI FTP server. By default, the file is downloaded to the current directory with the name ncbitaxo_YYYYMMDD.tgz, where YYYY is the year, MM the month and DD the current date. The filename used to save the tarball can be specified with the --out option, as in the following example:

obitaxonomy --download-ncbi --out ncbitaxo.tgz

OBITools4 do not require extracting the downloaded file. The name of the compressed file can be passed directly to any OBITools4 command using the --taxonomy option.

Structure of the NCBI taxonomy directory #

The ncbitaxo.tgz archive can be unpacked using the following bash commands:

mkdir ncbitaxo 
cd ncbitaxo 
tar -zxvf ../ncbitaxo.tgz
cd ..

The ncbitaxo directory contains all the files provided by NCBI. The readme.txt file describes the content of each file provided. Only the files used by OBITools4 are described below.

The nodes.dmp file #

The nodes.dmp file is a tab-separated file, here is the description of the first columns used by OBITools4:

tax_idA unique taxonomic identifier composed only of digits (0-9)
parent tax_idThe taxid of the parent taxon of the current taxon
rankThe taxonomic rank of the taxon (e.g. species, genus, family, etc.)

Here are the first lines of this file:

1       |       1       |       no rank |               |       8       |       0       |       1       |       0       |       0       |       0       |     0|       0       |               |
2       |       131567  |       superkingdom    |               |       0       |       0       |       11      |       0       |       0       |       0     |0       |       0       |               |
6       |       335928  |       genus   |               |       0       |       1       |       11      |       1       |       0       |       1       |     0|       0       |               |
7       |       6       |       species |       AC      |       0       |       1       |       11      |       1       |       0       |       1       |     1|       0       |               |
9       |       32199   |       species |       BA      |       0       |       1       |       11      |       1       |       0       |       1       |     1|       0       |               |
10      |       1706371 |       genus   |               |       0       |       1       |       11      |       1       |       0       |       1       |     0|       0       |               |
11      |       1707    |       species |       CG      |       0       |       1       |       11      |       1       |       0       |       1       |     1|       0       |       effective current name; |
13      |       203488  |       genus   |               |       0       |       1       |       11      |       1       |       0       |       1       |     0|       0       |               |
14      |       13      |       species |       DT      |       0       |       1       |       11      |       1       |       0       |       1       |     1|       0       |               |
16      |       32011   |       genus   |               |       0       |       1       |       11      |       1       |       0       |       1       |     0|       0       |               |

The names.dmp file #

The names.dmp file is a tab-separated file with the following columns:

tax_idThe node identifier associated with this name
name_txtThe name itself
unique nameThe unique variant of this name if name not unique
name class(synonym, common name, …)

Here are the first lines of this file:

1       |       all     |               |       synonym |
1       |       root    |               |       scientific name |
2       |       Bacteria        |       Bacteria <bacteria>     |       scientific name |
2       |       bacteria        |               |       blast name      |
2       |       eubacteria      |               |       genbank common name     |
2       |       Monera  |       Monera <bacteria>       |       in-part |
2       |       Procaryotae     |       Procaryotae <bacteria>  |       in-part |
2       |       Prokaryotae     |       Prokaryotae <bacteria>  |       in-part |
2       |       Prokaryota      |       Prokaryota <bacteria>   |       in-part |
2       |       prokaryote      |       prokaryote <bacteria>   |       in-part |

The merged.dmp file #

The merged.dmp file is a tab-separated file with the following columns:

old_tax_idThe node identifier which has been merged
new_tax_idThe node identifier which is result of merging

Here are the first lines of this file:

12      |       74109   |
30      |       29      |
36      |       184914  |
37      |       42      |
46      |       39      |
67      |       32033   |
76      |       155892  |
77      |       74311   |
79      |       74313   |
80      |       155892  |

The delnodes.dmp file #

The delnodes.dmp file is a tab-separated file with the following columns:

tax_idThe deleted node ID

Here are the first lines of this file:

3025011 |
3025010 |
3025009 |
3025008 |
3025007 |
3025006 |
3025005 |
3025004 |
3025003 |
3025002 |